Arta Banyan Sanat company is able to produce all kinds of special molds such as New Jersey, headstone, table mold, patterned molds of star concrete mold, etc. according to the customer’s request plan.

New Jersey format

The concrete barrier, which is called the New Jersey barrier, is made in the form of prefabricated concrete parts that can be connected to each other in order to guide the vehicle. When the car collides, it acts as a turning guide due to the low angle of its edges and reduces damage and prevents overturning. The car becomes The New Jersey pattern is used as pedestrian protection, protection of construction project workers from cars, temporary barriers and anti-terrorist security barriers, as well as flood dams, forest fire prevention, river guides and multi-lane roads. Arta Company is able to produce all kinds of special molds such as New Jersey, headboard, table mold, patterned molds, star concrete mold, etc., according to the customer’s requested map.

The reason for naming this concrete barrier as the New Jersey concrete pattern is that in 1950, the Steven Institute of Technology designed the New Jersey pattern at the request of the New Jersey State Highway Department in the west of the United States of America to multi-lane highways. It performs freeways and highways. Keep in mind that the implementation of the New Jersey concrete mold is very important because if the New Jersey mold is not implemented in a unified way, it will cause a lot of damage.

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Concrete mold / New Jersey mold

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Concrete mold / New Jersey mold

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New Jersey concrete formwork / articulated concrete block

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Concrete form / pot head

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Concrete table template

Table concrete mold is considered as one of the special and customized molds that we will briefly explain about this type of concrete mold:

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Dropdown table template

The production method of this concrete mold: after the table concrete mold is made, concrete is poured inside the mold and the sliding part of the table mold prevents the concrete from leaving the mold, after the concrete is set, the sliding door is separated and the concrete table is ready to be executed, this type The concrete mold does not require skilled labor for installation and removal, and this is easily possible.

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Uses of table concrete molds:

The table format to determine the commuting route

Table concrete mold for the implementation of water channel, water atmosphere and

Table concrete form to separate the traffic path of vehicles and pedestrians

The table format for specifying and separating the surface of tree plantations, saplings and parks from the vehicle traffic rout

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Concrete mold / table mold

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concrete mold / patterned wall mold (shutter)

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Concrete mold for prefabricated beams and bridges (special mold)

Due to the high cost of construction and molding of bridges, parts called precast concrete bridge and precast concrete beam are designed and produced, which are implemented in two ways (precast concrete bridge).

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The first method :

Beam and slab method This method is for bridges that are implemented with large spans, in this method, I-shaped beams are used and concrete slabs with calculated dimensions are implemented, after installing the beam according to the plans, the prefabricated slab Concrete is placed on them and between the two beams, the next step is to install one to two rebar grids on the bridge, and concreting is done.

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The second method :

The slab-to-fill method, unlike the beam and slab method, this method is used for bridges with small spans, the slabs are produced to load the bridge, and the reinforcement is implemented on the slab to integrate the prefabricated part with concrete, and then two grids Rebar is implemented on the bridge and a single slab is obtained.

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Prefabricated wall mold

This type of concrete mold is produced based on the type of design and specifications provided by the customer. The prefabricated wall mold, which is also known as patterned molds, is often made in brick, mesh, etc. designs, and it is possible to add a logo or any It also has another plan. These molds have a panel (usually 120*400), H wall mold and foundation mold. Corner mold is also provided in the fencing of the area in the work corner where the wall must be rotated 90 degrees.

patterned concrete mold:

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Prefab brick facade wall:

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Arta Bonyan Sanat

Consultation and design of special formats

Mass production of modular and special concrete metal molds

Implementation of special concrete projects

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Project of Khatam Al-Anbia Hospital (PBUH) – Semnan:

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The ongoing project of Saman Faraz Tower:

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